Now more number of people are using internet to shop groceries. When the groceries are ordered online it will be delivered to the home. But the major advantage of buying groceries through online supermarkets is that you can compare the prices easily, which is not possible when buying groceries physically. Many supermarkets now have websites where one can go through the list and purchase groceries. They can pay the bill online and also choose the convenient time to deliver the goods home.
We now can dissect our taxation system. We could go on for hours but let鈥檚 keep it simple. Is there a law that a court can show us that 鈥渞equires鈥?a US citizen to file, pay and report a federal income tax? The answer is NO, but there certainly is a modern day Gestapo that will 鈥渇orce鈥?you to pay or make your life a living nightmare. You guessed it, the Internal Revenue Service. Oh by the way, you might want to research the 16th Amendment to the US constitution which gave Congress the right to tax personal income. Here is the million dollar question? Was it ever properly ratified by the required vote of the states or was it covered up just like the secret meeting down in Jekyll Island Georgia?
It鈥檚 true that you can鈥檛 see electricity. It鈥檚 there but certainly not visible until you have a wire, an outlet or an appliance that come to life with a great buzz. It鈥檚 amazing 鈥?power! Perhaps God is the same thing, invisible. Perhaps God too needs a wire, an outlet or an appliance to plug itself into so it can come alive. Perhaps human beings are that very vessel God waits to run divine current through. What if that鈥檚 true?